
Clara Evi Citraningtyas

Clara Evi Citraningtyas is a profound scholar from Indonesia whose research spans a diverse range of educational fields, but is broadly unified by her long-standing interests in the ideology and pedagogy of texts, and global shifts on children’s literature in education and culture. Her principal impact on international scholarship and research has been in the field of folktale reconstruction.  Her research currently focuses on the impact of folktale reconstruction on the education of children.

Clara graduated from the English Department Universitas Diponegoro Indonesia.  She was awarded John Crawford Scholarship Scheme to pursue her Master of Arts in English literature at Macquarie University Australia.  She, then, earned her Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in literature from Macquarie University under the AusAid Scholarship programme.

Clara is now a full time lecturer at Universitas Pelita Harapan in Indonesia.  She has taught a number of literature courses, as well as language and culture courses.  Her current published books are What We Can Learn from Japan’s Earthquake, Tsunami, and Nuclear Radiation (2011), Sastra Dunia (2012), Cintarela and the Kind Stepmother (2013), Nilam Kandung (2014), Apresisasi Sastra Asia (2015),  Modern Indonesian Folktales 1 (2015).  Clara was a recipient of a prestigious and competitive Indonesian government research grant in 2012 – 2014, and again receives the same grant for 2015 – 2017 for her research on folktale reconstruction throughout Indonesia.

She is married to Paul Darminto, and is blessed with two children:  Sebastian and Karina.