CASE STUDY WORKSHOPTracks And Topics Covered In Conference : Track A: Business, Management and Economics Studies :Banking and finance, Business, Business Ethics, E-commerce, Economics, Human Resources, Management, Marketing Track B: Physical Life and Applied Sciences Agriculture, Aquaculture, Archaeology, Astronomy, Biodiversity, Biology , Chemistry, Earth Sciences , Ecology, Environment , GIS, Genetics , Meteorology, Oceanography , Physics, Soil , Waste Management, Water. Track C: Regional and Religious Studies African Studies, American Studies , Asian Studies, European Studies. Track D: Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary Studies ,Children and Youth, Communications and Media ,Complex Systems, Conflict resolution ,Creativity, Culture ,Disaster Management, Discourse ,Film studies, GLBT Studies ,Gender studies, Globalization ,HIV/AIDS, Human Rights ,Identity, Interdisciplinary studies ,Leadership, Memory ,Multidisciplinary Studies, Poverty ,Public Policy, Security ,Sexuality and eroticism, Spirituality ,Sport science, Sustainable development ,Tourism, Urban studies ,Violence, Women's studies. Track E : Health and Medicine Studies , Alternative Health, Cardiology , Dentistry, Dermatology , Disability and Rehabilitation, Family Medicine , Food Safety, Gastroenterology , Gerontology, Health , Infectious diseases, Medical ethics , Medicine and Medical Science, Neurology , Nursing, Nutrition and Dietetics , Oncology, Palliative Care , Psychiatry, Public Health , Radiology, Reproductive Medicine and Women's Health , Social Work, Surgery. Track F: Engineering & Technology Studies , Architecture, Artificial Intelligence , Bioinformatics, Biomedical Engineering , Biotechnology, Computer software and applications , Computing, Data Mining , Design, Energy , Engineering, Forestry , Image Processing, Information Technology , Internet and World Wide Web, Manufacturing , Military, Mining , Nanotechnology and Smart Materials, Networking , Polymers and Plastics, Renewable Energy , Robotics, Space Environment and Aviation Technology , Systems Engineering, Transport. Track G: Social Science & Humanities , Anthropology, Art History , Arts, English , History, Information science , Islamic Studies, Language , Linguistics, Literature , Local Government, Museums and heritage , Music, Occupational Science , Philosophy, Poetry , Politics, Popular Culture , Psychology, Religious studies , Social Sciences, Sociology , Women's history.Case Study WorkshopWorkshop DetailsSyllabus and ScheduleRegistration and FeeOnline Submission FormBrochureRegistration and FeeIMPORTANT NOTE:Registration fee is non-refundable and it includes charges for workshop participation only. Arrangements and costs of visa, travelling and accommodation are not the responsibility of the organizers. It will be borne by the individual author. We must receive the full Registration fee. Transaction cost will be borne by the authors.After making payment please must send payment proof at, without this your registration is incomplete.You may pay the registration / publication fee through credit card by following the link below:For Payment through Credit Card HerePay Registration fee through Credit CardFor Payment Through Bank Account Account Title : “Hendrati Dewi Mulyaningsih” Account No : 131.0010351.361 Bank Detail: Bank Mandiri Address : Ahmad Yani Bracnch, Bandung, Indonesia