“Multidisciplinary Academic Research & Global Innovation”
(MARGI -2017)

Conference Main Theme:“Addressing Global Innovation Challenges for Sustainability & Growth”

TRACK: Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary Studies

Introduction to the Track

This track invites both theoretical and applied research papers discussing topics relevant to the concepts related to Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary Studies. Its overall purpose is to provide a dedicated venue for such research to be shared and discussed, and thus to highlight the breadth and depth of efforts to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of this area of research. In honor of this year’s conference theme, submissions which consider opportunities to improve decision making by and for a diverse set of stakeholders are particularly welcomed.


Broadly, the main areas of inquiry include the following Multidisciplinary areas but not limited to: 

Children and Youth, Communications and Media, Complex Systems, Conflict resolution, Creativity, Culture, Disaster Management, Discourse, Film studies, GLBT Studies, Gender studies, Globalization, Human Rights, Identity, Leadership, Memory, Poverty, Public Policy, Sexuality and eroticism Spirituality, Sport science, Sustainable development, Tourism, Urban studies, Violence, Women’s studies e-Health Technologies, Emerging Technologies, Entrepreneurship, Environmental Technology Management, Financing and commercializing innovation, Global Production Network, Green Technologies, Human Resource Management, Human resource management issues in innovation, Industrial and Manufacturing System Technologies, Industrial and Systems Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Industrial, Mechanical, Systems Science and Engineering, Information and Communication Technology Management, Innovation and management issues within multinational corporations, Innovation and Management of Renewable Resources, Innovation for low-income markets and social innovation, Innovation for sustainable development, Innovation in services, logistics and supply-chain management, Innovation Policy and Management Innovation, Management and Technology, Intellectual property and knowledge management, Intellectual Property Right and Patent, IT Management: e-Government, Health Informatics, e-Commerce, Key (converging) technologies (nano-, bio-, ICT technology), Knowledge Management, Logistics and Scheduling, Machinery and Machine Design, Manufacturing and Production Processes, Manufacturing Engineering, Manufacturing Systems Engineering, Management of Innovation and Technology, Management of Nuclear / Energy Technologies, Management of Technology Education and Research, Management of Technology for the Knowledge Economy, Management of Technology in Developing Countries, Managing collaborative innovation, Managing IT and E-Commerce, National and Regional Systems of Innovation, New Product / Service Development, New Product Development, Organizational innovation, Process Innovation, Project and Program Management, Project Management, Research and Development Management, Regional innovation systems, clusters and industrial networks, Risk and Security Management, Risk Management, Semantic Web and Ontology Management Technology, Service Science and Innovation, Six Sigma and Quality Management, Small and Medium Enterprises
Social impact of technology development, Supply Chain Management, Sustainable Development, SustainInnovationon and Technollogy Incubationon,Technologicall Alliances, Mergers and Acquisitions, Technological innovation, product innovation and industrial innovation, Technology Foresight and Forecasting, Technology in the Financial / Services Sector, Technology Intelligence and Planning, Technology Strategy, Technology Transfer, Marketing and Commercialization, Telecommunications Ttechnologynd Technology Assessment, Tele medicine Technologies and Telehealth Services, The Integration of Technology and Business Strategies, Theory of Technology, Water Desalination Technologies, Web Technologies and Information Management