
RCMI Proceedings




Copyright © Global Illuminators. All rights reserved

RCMI Proceeding
Volume 5, Pages 1-105
October 05-06, 2019 Seoul, South Korea
Edited by Dr. Ahmed Saddam


Volume 1
pp. 1-83 (2015)
Volume 2
pp. 1-36 (2016)
Volume 3
pp. 1-49 (2017)
Volume 4
pp. 1-113 (2018)
Volume 5
pp. 1-105 (2019)

Preface of proceeding

Track: Business, Management and Economic Studies

The Effect of Company Value Moderated by Intellectual Capital on Share Price in Indonesia


Pages 1-8
Farah Margaretha Leon, Fahmi Prathama Anugrah

This study aims to examine whether there is an influence between the values of the company to the stock price of moderated intellectual capital in the annual report. This study uses 52 financial sector companies listed in IDX (Indonesia Stock Exchange) by using annual report in period 2012-2016. Method of sample selection is using purposive sampling. The analysis model uses multiple linear regressions which uses two models: model data panel and cross sectional model. The results of this study indicate that the value of the company as measured by Earning per Share (EPS) and Book Value per Share (BVS) on stock prices that moderated intellectual capital. EPS and BVS have a positive effect on stock prices moderated by intellectual capital. Leverage negatively affects stock prices in annual reports. Meanwhile, profitability and firm size have a positive effect on the stock price of annual report. The implication for the company is the company to raise the EPS level if it wants to increase the stock price and optimize the disclosure of intellectual capital in order to increase EPS. The company must also keep the BVS below the share price to keep EPS positive.

Analysis of Effect of Sukuk on The Profitablity of Islamic Bank in Indonesia


Pages 09-18
Sholikhin , Mohammad, Yusron, Widiastuti, Tika, Ryandono, Mohammad, Nafik Hadi, Purwani, Deni, Herianingrum, Sri

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the development of the Sukuk market to the profitability of Islamic banks in Indonesia. This study uses a quantitative method with a vector error correction model. The data used was monthly data Sukuk and profitability of Islamic banks in the years 2011 to 2018. The results of this research are in the long term Sukuk variables have a significant influence on ROA. The results obtained from the t-statistic values of variables Sukuk amounting -6.56088. The value is greater than t table, Effect of Sukuk itself fairly small to ROA. This study is the first study that examines the influence of Sukuk on the profitability of Islamic banks using a vector error correction model.

Track: Social Sciences and Humainities

Exploring New Business Models of Enterprise from the Point of View of Circular Economy – A Case study of CHYHJIUN Jewelry


Pages 19-28
Hatem Ibrahim, Ashraf Salama, Florian Wiedmann, Bassma Aboukalloub, Reem Awwaad

During the last few decades, the phenomenal impact of the multicultural population on the housing market has suggested unique lifestyle- oriented demand. Housing supply and demand has been challenged to satisfy the diverse market needs. Since the 1990s, the phenomenal impact of the increased population growth rates of the massive migrant flows on the housing market has instigated the need for a demand- driven supply of housing. In parallel, the socio-cultural diversities of the multi-cultural population require certain housing typologies to meet this diverse need. The rapid increase in land prices has led to the increase of residential rents and hindered the establishment of more affordable housing. Accordingly, housing affordability became one of the most important topics that present an important topic both in the present and for the future. In this paper, two methodological approaches to study housing dynamics and characteristics are used: an analysis of population trends and a survey of housing demand. Statistical analysis of population trends provides a quantitative overview on the dynamics of the housing supply and demand. The survey of housing demand is to be related to cultural factors on how nationals and migrants are residing in the city, including their demography and lifestyle. The paper aims to explore affordable housing opportunities in order to meet the diverse demographics of Doha’s population. Conclusions are drawn to establish future guidelines and recommendations for housing growth and neighbourhood planning in view of population demographics, governmental visions, and urban realities.

Improving the Collaboration between Energy Providers and Psychosocial Researchers in Order to Better Understand and Reduce Fuel Poverty


Pages 29-33
Bruyninckx Marielle, Dutrieux Melanie, Cauchie Dimitri, Soussi Lindsay

This paper will present the results of a clinical study that aims to analyze the effects of fuel poverty on mental health. Our work was carried out on ten subjects by using four instruments: an anamnestic questionnaire, The Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory, the Goldberg and Hillier General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28) and a non-directive interview. Our results highlight that, despite the public and private strategies and solidarities put in place, energy poverty has negative consequences on life quality. Physical health is affected as much as mental balance. The people we met suffer from depressive disorders, sleep disorders and anxiety. Although hidden by social desirability, they also present self-esteem problems. It is, therefore, crucial bringing them into a process of personal empowerment that would allow them to take back an active part in a non-assumed situation.

Carbon Exposure Risk and Stock Returns


Pages 34-46
Jongmoo Jay Choi, Hoje Jo, Haehean Park

We provide evidence that firms with higher carbon exposure risk earn lower future returns in asset pricing context in U.S. stock markets for a 41-year period from January 1976 to December 2016. The quintile hedging strategy buying the lowest CO2 emission beta portfolio and selling the highest CO2 emission beta portfolio earns 3.6-5.3% average annual returns (4.3-6.2% on decile). The negative relation between carbon exposure risk and future returns is consistent with the view that CO2 emissions are indicative of perceived deterioration of investment opportunities by investors. Our evidence is also consistent with the view that asset prices have an optimistic bias because investors with low value expectations stay on the sideline without trading. Notably, our result is not consistent with a risk premium view that carbon exposure risk proxies for market risk nor with a view that no trading profits are possible on the basis of publicly available information on CO2 emissions. Additional tests suggest that our main results are more supportive of the investment opportunity hypothesis than the Miller’s optimistic pricing view.

The Knowledge, Attitude, and Behaviour of Junior High School in the context of Education for Sustainable Development with Challenge as the Moderating Variable


Pages 47-52
Bulan Prabawani, Sudharto P Hadi, Dinalestari Purbawat

Education for sustainable development (ESD) is important to study to understand environmental changes from the perspective of student character building. This concept is the main foundation that refers to individual personality as a medium to build excellent capacity from an early age. At adolescent age, children experience a period with high emotional growth that encourages changes in attitudes and behavior patterns towards the surrounding environment. At this time, individuals are partially able to observe and study changes that occur around them. Sustainable development mindset is built in an individual as emotional entities that are influenced by knowledge, attitudes, and behavior as an alternative benchmark in measuring an individual maturity level. This exploratory study aims to describe the correlation between environmental knowledge and students’ attitudes and behaviors, along with intervening factors as moderating variables. The correlation quality and analysis were measured based on samples involving 320 participants from two junior high schools in Salatiga and Semarang using the data collection method of stratified random sampling. Data were analyzed using partial least square namely Smartpls v3.0. This study has found a fact that junior high school students of these two locations have low environmental and social knowledge. In contrast, there was a good attitude and behavior tendency concerning the environment. The students’ knowledge significantly influences environmental-friendly attitudes and behaviors, especially the social environment where obstacles also became a significant moderating variable, in which the students’ low study orientation on environmental-friendly achievement and collective awareness have significantly intervened students from having positive attitudes to the environment.

Investigating Effects of Education for Sustainable Development in Junior High School in Central Java


Pages 53-60
Dinalestari Purbawati, Bulan Prabawani, Sudharto P. Hadi

This research aims to recognize the effect of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) towards the formation of students’ character to a direction with the objective of Sustainable Development (SD). ESD is an education concept to develop sustainability, i.e. by embedding awareness and an ability to apply sustainable development in the present and the future. This research is an exploratory study with a mixed methods approach. The research took place in 3 cities/regencies in Central Java, namely, Semarang City, Salatiga City, and Regency Banjarnegara. The population of the survey was students of Junior High School in each appointed school from 1st to 3rd grader. Each school was taken 100 samples in total consisting of various grade proportionally. Data collection for the survey used a questionnaire as well as observation towards students’ activities. The result of the research shows that the application of ESD through Adiwiyata program has provided a positive effect on students character supporting the objective of SD. It is shown by the students’ awareness of the importance of SD, including the aspect of Knowingness, Attitude, and Behavior.

Politics and Business: Policy on Mining Management in Bangka Island, Before and After


Pages 61-65
Hartuti Purnaweni, Kismartini, Bulan Prabawani, Ali Roziqin

This study aimed at assessing political and business dynamics at local levels concerning the policy on mining management in Bangka Island with a specific consideration to tin mining. Mining activities, either conventional or inconventional, emerge because policy allows everyone to perform the mining activities across Bangka Island. Accordingly, environmental degradation is inevitable. While ethymologically politics differ from business, both entities have a strong relationship. This study collected the research data from library study, previous studies, and in-depth analysis to produce initiatives. It focused on the impact of the implementation of the policy on mining management, before and after the policy was in effect.

Implementation of Multiple Intelligences Theory in Learning Process to Face 21st Century Education in Indonesia


Pages 66-74
Arifka Mahmudi,Falaqi, Muhamad Rizal, Halomoan

This study aimed to explore about how the implementation of multiple intelligences (MI) theory in learning process to achieve educational competences of 21st century in elementary school. Therefore, this study is a case study. The data was collected through observation, interview, and documentation. Then the data was analyzed with the steps as follow: data condensation, data display, drawing and verifying conclusions. To ensure the data are valid, two triangulation were implemented that are data triangulation and methodological triangulation. The study revealed that MI theory implemented within three condition. 1) MI theory as a core of educational system, 2) Student and teacher classification based on MI theory, 3) Learning process based on MI Theory. This study also discovered that Multiple intelligences theory in learning process help teacher to understand the student’s need and in giving proper learning activities with the student’s learning style. Learning activities based on MI theory that were given can promote student’s competences in 21st century or were known as Four Cs (Creativity, Critical thinking, Communication, and Collaboration). Contextual teaching and learning (CTL) and scientific approach give contribution in this fostering as well. Adequate school environment and facilities should be provided in order to optimze learning process. In addition, involving parent in this implementation is an urgent necessity. Nevertheless, teacher training is continuously still needed to increase the understanding and comprehension of the multiple intelligences theory in education.

Effectiveness of the Audiolingual Method by using Flashcard Media to Improve Arabic Speaking Skills


Pages 75-80
Halomoan1, Mahmudi, Arifka, Husin, Malik, Falaqi, Muhamad Rizal, Uril Bahruddin

The objective of this study was to investigate whether the use of the Audiolingual method by using Flashcard media in teaching Arabic language could improve the Arabic speaking skills of Islamic Senior High School Muhammadiyah students in Pekanbaru, Indonesia. A quasi-experimental design was used in this study, which used 40 randomly sampled grade 11 Islamic Senior High School Muhammadiyah students for the sample, divided into two classes of 20; one the experimental group (EG) and the another the control group (CG). The two groups were homogenous in terms of their initial ability. The instruments used in this study were an essay and objective test. T-test was used to analyze the data collected. The results from the post-test showed that there was then a significant positive difference between the two groups in terms of the student’s Arabic speaking skills; after the experimental group had been taught-learn using the Audiolingual method by using Flashcard media two months, they got significantly higher result in their Arabic language essays than the control group students, who had been taught Arabic language using the classic method and had not used Audiolingual method by using Flashcard media. The implication of this study show that the use of the Audiolingual method by using Flashcard media in Arabic language can be a method for improving student’s Arabic speaking skills.

Description of Depression Level of Elderly Who Actively Do Sports Gateball in Indonesia


Pages 81-83
Purwani, Deni, Sholikhin, Mohammad, Yusron

Depression is one of the health problems in the elderly were caused by genetic factors, biological factors and psychosocial factors. Level of depression can be reduced by exercise. The aim of this study was to describe the level of depression in elderly who actively do sports gateball. The design of this study was descriptive cross sectional study with purposive sampling technique. Data were collected using instrument the Geriatric Depression Scale. The results of the study found that the majority of 90% of the elderly who were active in gateball did not experience depression while 10% experienced mild depression.

The Development of Arabic Calligraphy in Indonesia


Pages 84-91
Falaqi, Muhamad Rizal, Mahmudi, Arifka, Halomoan

This paper deals with the development of Arabic calligraphy in Indonesia. The main problems studied are about how the development of Arabic calligraphy in Indonesia and causes the development of Arabic calligraphy in Indonesia. The research method used is qualitative research using the library research method, by collecting related documents and corresponding data and then analyzed so that it presents a research result. The results of the study indicate that Arabic calligraphy developing in Indonesia is divided into 3 periods; The Pioneer Generation, The Generation of Islamic Boarding Schools, and The Arabic Movement and Calligraphy Generation in Indonesia developed because there were internal factors from the encouragement of the Qur’an and external influences from socio-cultural influences. Indonesian people are expected to be more creative so that they will be able to develop calligraphy far more developed than before and bring Indonesian style Arabic calligraphy art to the international world.

Corporate Social Responsibility from an Environmental Approach, Relations with The Community and Exploratory Factors in Companies of the Manufacture Sector of the Northeast Region of Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico


Pages 92-105
Montalvo Morales, Jesús Alberto, Cervantes Avila, Yazmin Guadalupe, Molina Romeo, Víctor Pedro, Moreno Cepeda, Reimundo, Duque Retiz, José Refugio

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) linked to Business Management (GE) in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is a topic that is becoming increasingly important due to the importance they have for the national economy. The objective of the work was to determine the state of the CSR from an approach of environmental management and relations with the local community in a group of medium-sized companies in an industrial sector of Saltillo, Coahuila, as well as the influence of antiquity the structure of property and the gender of the Director/Manager with the development of these practices. The empirical investigation had an exploratory character and included a sample of 43 SMEs from the manufacturing sector that contribute to the growth and competitiveness of the region. The research instrument incorporated questions focused on the level of SMEs regarding risks, safety and health at work, environment and quality management. For its evaluation, contingency tables and the Mann Whitney U test were used. The results reflected an adequate work dedicated to the care, health and permanence in the position of its employees, while it was detected that there is poor environmental management and relations with the community. It is concluded that CSR is generally oriented to the interior of the company; the low use of this practice prevails in its business management, although an adequate approach to the client is highlighted.