“Multidisciplinary Trends in Academic Research ”
(MTAR- 2018)
Conference Alert, Conference Alert, Conference Alert, Conference Alert, Conference Alert, Conference Alert, Conference Alert, Conference Alert, Conference Alert
Conference Date:September 27-28, 2018
Abstract Submission Date:
Full Paper Submission Date:
Early Bird Discount Date: June 30, 2018
Venue : Holiday Inn Bangkok Silom, Bangkok Thailand
Proceeding Publication ISBN: 978-969-695-018-9
Submit Manuscript to: mtar@globalilluminators.org
Pay Registration Fee Through Credit Card
Whatsapp Contact : +60 10 254 6571
Conference Main Theme: “Addressing Global Innovation Challenges for Sustainability & Growth”
Dr. Tuhin Ghosh
Dr. Tuhin Ghosh has started his career as a coastal geomorphologist, gradually turned into an ICZM practitioner, engaged with the human-environment relationship. He is presently involved as the Country Lead of a multi-country research consortium ‘DECCMA’ (www.deccma.com) after successful completion of ‘ESPA Delta’ (www.espadelta.net) and ‘Deltas’ project of Belmont Forum (delta.umn.edu). His current research interests are climate change impacts, adaptation strategies and human migrations, besides coastal geomorphology and Disaster Management.
At present, he is the Country PI (India) in a multi-country international research consortium ‘DECCMA’, exploring the climate change impacts, adaptation and migration in the deltas in Africa and Asia, working on the Ganges delta and Mahanadi delta in India.
Natural Hazards Management is his another area of interest and recently published a book from Sage Publishing with his co-author Dr. Indrajit Pal based at Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand.
He has long experience (~ 25 years) in GBM-India, GBM-Bangladesh and Mahanadi delta (India) particularly in the following domains –
* Vulnerability assessment and climate hotspot mapping
* LULC dynamics and geomorphic changes within the delta, along with environmental displacement and resettlement
* The linkage between climate impacts, depletion in ecosystem services, loss in livelihood, consequent adaptation and resultant human migration
* Policy analysis, governance and stakeholder inclusiveness, incorporating community and NGOs/CBOs
* Extraction of traditional and indigenous local knowledge, with RiU convergence
* Preparedness and mitigation strategies, protection from the loss & damage due to extreme weather events
Dr Muruganantham Ganesan
Associate Professor, Management Studies, NIT Trichy, India.
Dr. Muruganantham Ganesan is working as Associate Professor in Management Studies at National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappali, India. He has a blend of experience in corporates and also academic experience with renowned institutes. He is having 17 Years of Professional Experience.
His areas of interest in teaching, research and consultancy includes Brand Management, Consumer Behaviour, Marketing and Advertising insights. He has received the best paper awards for presenting his research paper in USA, London, and India. His research works are available at Emerald, Inderscience and Taylor & Francis publications. He is an excellent Trainer and Motivational Speaker.
Notification of Acceptance/ Rejection: Within two weeks of receiving the paper depending on the response of reviewers
Introduction (Aims & Scope)
Global Illuminators Research Wing announce the 5th international conference on “MULTIDISCIPLINARY TRENDS IN ACADEMIC RESEARCH” (MTAR 2018). This forum is established to discuss the issues of multidisciplinary field collaboration with business and economics emerging trends. We invite the scholars /scientists / engineers/ researchers / practitioners / students to join with us and share the new innovative trends in their respective field. This common platform is expected to provide the bases for joint venture among different fields to serve the society in a better way.
To Submit a Paper:
- Read through the track calls below and select the track which is closest to the topic of your paper. If you cannot decide that which track is suitable for your research topic, you can email the corresponding person with your title and a draft of your manuscript, for advice on MTAR@globalilluminators.org
- Authors must submit papers electronically through the conference system by using online submission form or you can send it via email to MTAR@globalilluminators.org
- All papers must follow the paper submission guidelines
All submitted abstracts/ papers / posters will go through a blind peer review process and accepted manuscripts will be published in ISBN: 978-969-695-018-9 conference proceedings. Conference proceeding will be submitted to ISI Thomson Reuters Web of Science for consideration and indexation.
Selected conference papers will be published in special /regular issue of ISI/Scopus indexed journals associated with this conference. Associated journals will allocate a special / regular issue for papers submitted to this conference.
Invitation for Reviewers & Session Chairs in all fields
Voluntary participation as a reviewer and session chair will be acknowledged through a certificate by Global Illuminators Training & Development Wing.
Individual Call for Papers for each Track:
- Business , Management and Economics Studies
- Health and Medicine Studies
- Engineering & Technology Studies
- Social Science & Humanities
- Physical Life and Applied Sciences
- Regional and Religious Studies
- Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary Studies
In the practice of MTAR 2018, the Doctoral Colloquium will take place during the main conference. The colloquium is for doctoral students seeking careers as researchers in public, private and academic organizations with research interests in multiple areas of research.
The aims of the MTAR 2018 Doctoral Colloquium are:
- To develop and sustain a network of young scholars conducting high quality research.
- To support the upcoming generation of researchers by addressing issues relevant to the advancement of a research career
- To allow Students to discuss their research with leading specialists, scholars and peers in an international setting.
- To discuss the issues faced by students during their dissertation progress with the senior scholars across different fields and countries
The Doctoral Colloquium will Cover 4 major aspects. The first aspect will focus on introductions, networking and general mentoring. The second aspect will consist of group and individual research feedback sessions. The third aspect will be a colloquium poster session, providing students the opportunity to learn about one another’s research and prepare for the conference-wide poster session in which they will also participate. The fourth aspect is a question answer session between the students and professors to seek solutions for the student research issues.
Eligibility Criteria:
As the purpose of this colloquium is to support Students with their dissertation research, only Doctoral and Masters students who have not yet defended their dissertation are able to apply. Accepted colloquium participants must register for the main conference at the student rate. If student has already registered as a presenter or attendee, the entrance to student colloquium is free of charge. however the student has to confirm his/her appointment by sending email to mtar@globailluminators.org for participation in the colloquium.
Important Information:
- Please submit your panel proposal to mtar@globalilluminators.org.
- Panels will generally be 1 hour in duration. Time should be included for audience participation.
- All participants must be registered for the overall MTAR
-2018 conference. - Please use the contents below for your panel proposal.
- In case of further clarification or any assistance required before completing the proposal you can email at MTAR @globalilluminators.org.
At least the moderator and two other panelists must be registered for the conference, so work on the schedule and proceedings can begin.
MTAR 2018, Panel Proposal must include the following information:
- Title: Title of your panel
- Aims and Objectives of the Panel: Explain why such a panel is relevant to MTAR and to the Theme of MTAR. (Max 5-10 lines)
- Occurrence/Novelty: Please describe either past instances or the novelty of new ventures here. (Max 10 lines)
- Description: Use this to clarify scope, audience and focus. Give aims and objectives for your panel here. This will become the “abstract” for the proceedings and program. (Max 20-25 lines)
- Event Structure/Agenda: Describe what organizers and participants will do during the panel. E.g., will there be a series of fixed presentations and then discussion, and/or will the moderator ask questions to which first the panelists and then the audience may respond. What are the main questions you would ask? (Max 20 lines).
- Panel Members: List all names, affiliations, and emails of all anticipated panel participants, and state if they have accepted the invitation to participate should the panel be accepted. Include the moderator/organizer.
- Qualifications of panelists: Briefly describe your and your fellow panelists’ backgrounds and qualifications/ areas of expertise in the related research/practitioner domain.
The MTAR 2018 poster session will provide an opportunity for authors to interact informally with conference attendees, using a standard-size poster as a visual aid. Presenting a poster is also a good way to discuss and receive feedback on a work in progress that has not been fully developed into a paper. To facilitate this interaction, the MTAR 2018 poster session will be held in conference common areas, where attention of the participants is expected to be high.
Poster proposal should be submitted consisting of an extended abstract, with a maximum of 250-300 words describing the research that would be the topic of the poster for presentation and discussion. You might include a small version of a figure or two that would be in the poster, such as a screen shot of a system you will be describing. Posters are submitted to a the conference. If your poster proposal is accepted, you will be notified and then you can prepare the actual poster which should be maximum of 45″x 60″.
we invite scholars to become session moderators in the following tracks:
- Business , Management and Economics Studies
- Health and Medicine Studies
- Engineering & Technology Studies
- Social Science & Humanities
- Physical Life and Applied Sciences
- Regional and Religious Studies
- Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary Studies
All interested scholars should send their consent to mtar@globalilluminators.org by mentioning their area of interest. For this voluntary service, all session moderators will be awarded a certificate of appreciation by the MTAR 2018 secretariat.
Guidelines for Session Chairs
In this International Conference “Multidisciplinary Academic Research & Global Innovation” several sessions will be held based on different themes and areas of interest.
- Session chairs are requested to kindly check the Schedule of conference.
- Check the date, room and time of the sessions that they are chairing.
- Main task of session chair is to motivate the presenter/researcher to share his/her knowledge on the particular topic and also make conducive environment so the participants may have an intellectual discussion on the subject.
- Session chair can share his/her own knowledge, research, experience, observations very briefly if time permits.
- Please ensure your availability at assigned room at least 5-10 minutes prior to the beginning of session. This will help you to acquaint with the working of Laptop and multimedia etc. Please contact the control room, in case of any problem.
- Please choose your seat in front row, so participant may see and interact with you easily.
- Please introduce yourself and greet the participants of session.
- Make attendance of presenters of your session to ensure their presence in the room.
- Make an announcement regarding the allocation of time to each presenter. Time for each presentation is of 10 minutes followed by 5 minutes of Question & Answer session. However, session chair may extend the time of presentation keeping in view the allotted time for session.
- Session chair is responsible for session to be completed on time.
- Before inviting presenter(s), announce their full name(s) and the title of the paper.
- Best session paper has already been decided by our distinguished reviewers and his/her name will be conveyed to you, you will announce this at the end of session and present a certificate to researcher.
- You will have to decide “Best Presenter of Session” by filling in the evaluation form provided to you and certificate will be awarded in the closing ceremony.
- At the end of session, distribute the certificates of presentation, convey expression of thanks on your personal and Global illuminators behalf to the presenters and the participants.
- In case of any sort of confusion, please contact conference chair or management of Global Illuminators.
we invite scholars to become Reviewers in the following tracks:
- Business , Management and Economics Studies
- Health and Medicine Studies
- Engineering & Technology Studies
- Social Science & Humanities
- Physical Life and Applied Sciences
- Regional and Religious Studies
- Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary Studies
All interested scholars should send their consent to margi@globalilluminators.org by mentioning their area of interest. For this voluntary service, all reviewers will be awarded a certificate of apperciation by the MTAR 2018 secretariat.
According to plagiarism policy of MTAR-2018 all full papers considered for proceeding publication will go through plagiarism check using “TURNITIN” software and acceptable level of similarity index is 20%. Irrespective of initial abstract acceptance, full papers with more than 20% similarity indexed will not be published in online full paper proceeding. All authors are deemed to be individually and collectively responsible for the content of papers published by MTAR-2018. Hence, it is the responsibility of each author to ensure that papers submitted to MTAR-2018 should comply with the ethical standards with respect to plagiarism.
How to Improve the Quality of Research Article and
Get published in Scopus/ISI Indexed Journals
Getting published is considered a great achievement. It is considered to be the surest tool for landing the desired job and career progression. It is the best way of getting international recognition and many people have entered international job markets on the basis of their internationally published research. In recent years academia planning department has also placed research in universities as its priority number one. Faculty hiring, promotions. Survival and growth in academic profession is now mainly dependent on research output. Similarly for Ph.D students, publication of a research paper is mandatory for award of Ph.D degree. However, despite growing concern by universities and faculty members to get more research publications, very few people know the exact methodology, pattern and format for developing a research paper that can meet the requirements of international journals. Resultantly most of research papers are not published by international journals. This workshop is intended to discuss basic format of a research paper which can be published in international journals. By focusing on key areas the workshop will enable participants to develop skills for writing a publishable research paper. The resource persons for this workshop have a proven record of publication in well reputed international journals. They also have an exposure of attending research conferences in various parts of the world.
Registration Fee:
Participation to this workshop is free for the conference attending scholars. While outsiders have to pay USD 100 to attend this workshop.
For Apply: Online Registration Form
*Important Note: For those participants who are interested to join workshop, please contact on: mtar@globalilluminators.org
DATE: September 27 2018
VENUE: Holiday Inn Bangkok Silom, Bangkok Thailand
To view detailed conference program Click Here
Registration fee is non-refundable and it includes charges for conference participation only. Arrangements and costs of visa, travelling and accommodation are not the responsibility of the organization, they will be borne by the individual author. We must receive the full Registration fee. Transaction cost will be borne by the authors.
Please clearly mention the paper ID on payment invoice and email the scanned copy at mtar@globalilluminators.org
You may also pay the registration / publication fee through credit card by following the link below:
Registration fee Details:
S. No | Delegate(International) | Early Bird Fee Until June 30, 2018 | Normal Fee |
1 | All Participants / Faculty members / Professionals / Practitioners | US$ 420 | US$ 475 |
2 | Students (must provide copy of student ID card) | US$ 315 | US$ 370 |
S. No | Thai Participants | Early Bird Fee Until June 30, 2018 | Normal Fee |
3 | All Participants / Faculty members / Professionals / Practitioners | US$ 370 | US$ 420 |
4 | Thai Students (must provide copy of student ID card) | US$ 265 | US$ 315 |
5 | Additional Paper Presentation (local & international) | US$ 210 | US$ 265 |
6 | Attendee | US$ 315 | US$ 370 |
Registration Fee Include:
- Conference Material & Program
- Conference Bag
- Certificate of Presentation
- Lunch and Coffee Breaks
- Conference Proceeding Soft Form
Address:981 Silom Road Bangkok 10500, THAILAND
Tel: 66 (0) 2238-4300 Ext. 4502 Fax: 66 (0) 2266-7701
From Suvarnabhumi Airport To Holiday Inn Bangkok Silom, via SES 2 and the Bangkok – Chonburi New Line / Road Bangkok – Pattaya . New Line / Highway 7 .
Transportation Information
Suwannaphumi airport to Holiday Inn silom by taxi
From Suwannaphumi airport to Holiday Inn silom by taxi will cost around 300-400 baht.
Don muang Airport to Holiday Inn Silom by Taxi
If coming from Don muang Airport to Holiday Inn Silom by Taxi will cost about the same.
Suwannaphumi Airport by bts line (sky train) to holiday Inn Silom
However, if coming from Suwannaphumi Airport by bts line (sky train) to holiday Inn Silom, participants have to take Airport link from suwannaphumi airport to prayaThai station and then change the line to bts line to Surasak bts station and then walk to holiday inn (2 min walk) Total will cost around 100 baht
Don Muang airport by bts line (sky train) to holiday Inn Silom
100 baht cost will take if the participant coming from Don Muang airport, take the airport bus to MoChit bts Station to Surasak bts station and walk to Holiday Inn silom (2 min walk)
Complementary city tour for all participants, Details of the tour will be shared soon.
Bangkok is the capital and most populous city of Thailand. The city occupies 1,568.7 square kilometers (605.7 sq mi) in the Chao Phraya River delta in Central Thailand, and has a population of over 8 million, or 12.6 percent of the country’s population. Over 14 million people (22.2 percent) live within the surrounding Bangkok Metropolitan Region, making Bangkok an extreme primate city, dwarfing Thailand’s other urban centers in terms of importance.
The Asian investment boom in the 1980s and 1990s led many multinational corporations to locate their regional headquarters in Bangkok. The city is now a major regional force in finance and business. It is an international hub for transport and health care, and has emerged as a regional center for the arts, fashion and entertainment. The city is well known for its vibrant street life and cultural landmarks, as well as its notorious red-light districts. The historic Grand Palace and Buddhist temples including Wat Arun and Wat Pho stand in contrast with other tourist attractions such as the nightlife scenes of Khaosan Road and Patpong. Bangkok is among the world’s top tourist destinations. It is named the most visited city in MasterCard’s Global Destination Cities Index, and was named “World’s Best City” for four consecutive years by Travel + Leisure magazine.
It experiences three seasons, hot, rainy and cool, although temperatures are fairly hot year-round, ranging from an average low of 22.0 °C (71.6 °F) in December to an average high of 35.4 °C (95.7 °F) in April. The rainy season begins with the arrival of the southwest monsoon around mid-May. September is the wettest month, with an average rainfall of 334.3 millimeters (13.16 in). The rainy season lasts until October, when the dry and cool northeast monsoon takes over until February. The hot season is generally dry, but also sees occasional summer storms.
Organizing Committee
The conference will announce the best paper award and best presentation awards for different tracks and sessions. The criteria for selection of best papers and best presentation is given here. Authors are advised to go through it before submitting the papers and preparing their presentations to compete for these awards. Honorary appreciation certificates will be awarded to winners of these awards.
To Download the criteria for Best Paper & Best Presentation Award, Please follow the links given below:
Best Research Paper Evaluation Form
Best Paper
PAPER ID : CSSR-18-119
A Study of Constructing a Set of Pictographs for Aphasia Patients to Communicate the Symptoms
Lin,Fang-Suey1, Shi, Hong-Chun2
1,2 National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Nominees List
p53 Gene Mutation and Breast Cancer Risk : A Study on Bengalee Females of West Bengal, India
Abhishikta Ghosh Roy1*, Arup Ratan Bandyopadhyay2
1 Ministry of Culture Government of India, Anthropological Survey of India
2 University of Calcutta, India
A Study on Consumer Perception of “Amulet” Cultural Commodity
Hui-Li Lin1, Fang-Suey Lin2
1,2 National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Douliou Yunlin, Taiwan
A Study of Constructing a Set of Pictographs for Aphasia Patients to Communicate the Symptoms
Lin,Fang-Suey1, Shi, Hong-Chun2
1,2 National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Exploring Relationship between Personality, Creativity and Social Entrepreneurship: Empirical Evidence from an Agricultural Students Survey in Taiwan
Chuang, Jui-Hsiung1, Liou, Yu-Chang2, ,Wang, Szu-Yung3*,Wang, Jiun-Hao4
1,2,3,4 National Taiwan University, Taiwan
A Study on Effective user Interaction Design of Smartwatch in Harsh Environments
Seok Hee Oh1*, Taeg-Keun Whangbo2
1,2 Gachon University, Seongnam, Republic of Korea
Development of Remote Monitoring System Platform using Senior Behavior Radius Data Collection
Gyung-Mok Yoon
Gachon University in Korea, Korea
All papers / abstracts accepted for presentation in this conference will be Blind Peer Reviewed and will be published in the conference proceeding with an ISBN: 978-969-695-018-9 in a Soft Form.
Conference Proceedings also will be submitted to Thomson Reuters for indexing in Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (ISI Web of Science).
All papers of the conference will also be reviewed jointly by Global Illuminators Review Panel and respective Journals reviewing teams. All the selected authors will be offered for publication in ISI / Scopus indexed associated journals subject to the compliance with journals guidelines, terms and conditions.
The associated journals will publish the selected articles in their special / regular issues dedicated for this conference.
Important Note: All Authors are acknowledged that we have some journals associated with conference, which charge publication fee. So if paper is accepted in those Journals authors will be requested to pay publication fee.
If paper accepted in Journal which has no fee so authors will get free of cost online publication.